duarte pereira replied to the topic DATALooper in MIDI Mode in the forum Bugs/Issues 5 years, 8 months ago
“Detecting footswitch combinations is an idea I toyed around with as well but never really felt was ergonomic enough to offer much benefit.”i hear you, as it was the 1st thing i thought about. I actually operate my boss RC-50 mostly in bare feet.. so i know i probably wouldn’t be able to successfully pull a double foot switch while not w…[Read more]
duarte pereira replied to the topic DATALooper in MIDI Mode in the forum Bugs/Issues 5 years, 8 months ago
Hi Vince/everyone,
I have been thinking.. about this Presets Issue..
and your suggestion, Vince :Hopefully that’s helpful. I could also build out a custom template if you are specific about exactly how you want it.
What about combinations of footswitches??
Like.. a couple of footswitches pressed at the same time…We’ve got 12 f…[Read more]
duarte pereira replied to the topic buying the pedal in Europe in the forum Showcase 5 years, 8 months ago
That is one of the reason why i want to know if i might be able to ask this friend of mine that’s going to the states next week, if he might have the DataLooper delivered to his hotel, while he’s there, on vacation..
I assume it should be possible. Anyone?
Any American here..? 😛
I think my friend is going to Florida.. but i am not sure.…[Read more] -
duarte pereira replied to the topic DATALooper in MIDI Mode in the forum Bugs/Issues 5 years, 8 months ago
Hi Vince,
thanks very much for the thorough and yet clear, reply.
Lemur could work..although i am not familiar with it. I’ve got Audiobus 3, which i am sure should work, if Lemur does. (right ?)
But,.. (as you said) that would mean i would have to, either use a 2nd pedal, or have sth else like an APC mini, or APC 40.. or whatever.. serving me…[Read more] -
duarte pereira replied to the topic buying the pedal in Europe in the forum Showcase 5 years, 8 months ago
VAT is 23% down south, my German friend. 😉But that…. is a given.
Customs..on the other hand… is a freakin lottery.. most of the times..
I really hate importing things..directly from overseas.Thanks again !
duarte pereira replied to the topic buying the pedal in Europe in the forum Showcase 5 years, 8 months ago
Hi! ,
2.7% is alright.. although i’m pretty sure its gonna be more, over here..
Thanks very much 😉 -
duarte pereira replied to the topic DATALooper in MIDI Mode in the forum Bugs/Issues 5 years, 8 months ago
hello Vince,
I’m trying to grasp the potential of what the DataLooper can do.
I’m not new to these languages..but i am new to Ableton, ..so bare with me :One of the pedal’s limitations, imo..is only featuring 9 switches (3 patches).
That will make one have to surrender a couple of footswitches, if one wants to control other things, within the…[Read more] -
duarte pereira posted a new activity comment 5 years, 8 months ago
hello Klangschmied,
I’m DeSam, from Portugal..and i am considering buying the pedal
I have noticed that you are from Germany..so i was thinking :
Would you be able to tell me how much you payed for customs & shipping ?thanks very much
duarte pereira replied to the topic LED Change on Downbeat in the forum Feature Requests 5 years, 8 months ago
sweet !
Is it working well , then ?
Coming from an RC-50 loopstation.. i would more than welcome this feature..! -
duarte pereira started the topic buying the pedal in Europe in the forum Showcase 5 years, 8 months ago
Hello everyone, and congrats Vince, on the pedal
I live in Portugal, and therefor i am concerned about shipping costs..and customs, ..namely the latter.
1.Have you gius got any idea on how much that will incur me ??
Any europenas.. here ?2. I have a friend that’s going to the US, pretty soon.
Would he be able to get the DataLooper…[Read more]
duarte pereira became a registered member 5 years, 8 months ago