Mark Sutton started the topic Loopers start midway from the loop in the forum Bugs/Issues 4 years, 11 months ago
This might be more of an Ableton/Looper issue/quirk but I Googles it and didn’t get anywhere and I figured someone here would know. Basically, it ends up so that some or all of my loopers become unsyncronised – When stopped you can see that the yellow lights are lit to halfway, or sometimes an arbitrary point through the loop. If I hit play in the…[Read more]
Mark Sutton replied to the topic 'Datalooper' not in 'Control Surface' dropdown in Live 9, but is in Live 10 demo in the forum Bugs/Issues 5 years, 10 months ago
Yeah just tried on my ‘live’ laptop, which the other laptop was cloned from, and couldn’t get it to show up there either…
Mark Sutton started the topic 'Datalooper' not in 'Control Surface' dropdown in Live 9, but is in Live 10 demo in the forum Bugs/Issues 5 years, 10 months ago
So I copied the remote script folder to ResourcesMIDI Remote Scripts in the Live 9 app contents (Using OSX) but it does not show up in the ‘Control Surface’ drop down. Everything else seems to be as it should be, third light lit, MIDImonitor shows events on switch presses etc. Tried a reset, didn’t help.
Thinking about it, I was able to select…[Read more]
Mark Sutton became a registered member 5 years, 10 months ago