This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by M. Boroff.

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  • #13575
     M. Boroff

    Hello, I received my DL device a few days ago and I’ve followed all the instructions but when I go into midi-map-mode in Ableton nothing happens at all when I press the buttons on my DL. However, when I open the DataLooperDefault.als set and go into midi-map-mode it works. It also works if I press the pads on another midi controller in midi-map-mode. So whenever I create a new set and name my first audio track DL#1, add a looper, go into MMM and press a button on the DL nothing happens. So I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong?


    We got this resolved. It turns out you cannot drag Looper ‘presets’ into the track. The script relies on the device name being reported as ‘looper’, and the Looper presets report their preset name, not the correct device name, confusing the script. To fix, just drag the looper device in, not the presets.

     M. Boroff

    Thanks a lot, everything works great now!

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