This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Gregorian.

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  • #16366

    I have flashed the pedal, reinstalled updates, reconfigured etc.

    When playing or recording in Live 10 Suite, the LEDs do not flash with the tempo. The buttons are not

    When playing or recording in Live 10 Standard, the LEDs flash with the tempo as expected.

    In Suite / preferences / link midi / control surface drop down, the DataLooper does not appear as an option. DataLooper is an option in the adjacent Input / Output dropdowns. It is an option in the input / output midi ports. Where possible, all the settings are per the User Guide.

    In Standard, I can select the DataLooper as a control surface option.

    I’ve recently updated to Live Suite, and would like to keep using it. Switching back and forth between Standard and Suite seems to trigger installers to run and some lengthy error messages have come up… Any way to fix this and enable DataLooper as an option in the Control Surface drop down in Live 10 Suite?


    I believe the installed only installed the script to Standard and not to Suite. You can either try the new 2.8 script (in resources) or install the script manually, by copying the Datalooper folder (which contains .pyc files) into the Ableton Midi Remote Scripts folder. You can find it by right clicking on Ableton 10 in the applications, clicking ‘Show package contents’, then navigating to Contents->App Resources->Midi Remote Scripts


    I misunderstood the instructions on the user guide page – the folder names in the instruction are different than those in the zip file I downloaded.

    Noticed this when checking the Standard midi scripts folder, seeing a different name. So I copied that and it worked, but then I also saw the files in the zip file…\

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