This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by Daniel Münderlein.

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  • #13755

    Dear Datalooper Team,

    While my old hardware looper is collecting dust most of the time since I got the Datalooer, there is one feature that I really miss.
    For my guitar loops it would be really useful to have an option to fade out loops before they stop.
    I checked the fade to clear option, but usually I do not want to clear the loops completely but just stop them.
    Adding a fading option would be great in order to keep things more musical and to avoid the feeling of an abrupt stop.
    The fade could also be longer than the “long fade to clear” option.
    Check this video for an example of what I mean.

    (@ Minute 2.10)

    Would be great to see a comparable feature in a future update!



    That’s a great idea and not too difficult to implement. I’ll try to knock it out on the next update.


    Great! Looking forward to this.

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