This topic has 11 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by admin.

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  • #13402

    So I have the Push 2 controller and I’m testing the compatibility.

    Midi clip recording with CL# tracks has an issue and maybe there’s a fix I can’t find.

    Currently, the DataLooper will not trigger clip recording on a Midi track if the track is SELECTED. It works fine if the track is an armed Midi track that is not currently selected. This is an issue because the Push needs to have the Midi track selected to be able to send midi notes directly to it. This means I can’t play and clip loop record and the same time.

    The only work around is to arm the track, disarm all other midi tracks, switch to a different track than the one I want to play, and route that Midi to the track I actually want to play. Not ideal and confusing to do while performing but it does work.

    Is there any way to get DataLooper to start clip recording on a midi track that is currently selected by the Push controller? To clarify, clip recording with CL#’s works fine on an audio track with Push controller. I can select an audio track with the Push controller and the DataLooper can still trigger the clip recording. This issue is only with Midi tracks.

    p.s. Thank you for the amazing controller. I’ve been literally waiting since Ableton Live version 4 for something like this to appear. Simply awesome.


    Hello? Any ideas? Anyone else use Push too?


    Hmmm is there any way you can post a screen cap video of exactly what you mean? There’s nothing in the script disallowing clip recording if the track is selected on the DataLooper side…I wonder if that’s a Push thing; namely, I wonder if Push somehow disallows clip recording from other devices if it’s focused on a track. I don’t have a Push but I’d be happy to work this out if it’s something in my scripts control.


    I’m having the exact same issue. Unplugging Push fixes it, and CL# tracks start working fine.

    When controlling the CL# tracks via the Push, the LEDs on Datalooper display correctly.

    I’ll try asking some Push power-users if there are similar issues with using Push and other MIDI devices simultaneously.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Ryan.

    Hmm a screencap video would be really helpful here. Also, is the track selected by Push still armed?


    Here I’m pressing record on DataLooper, going back and forth between two tracks. CL#4 records when I have a different track selected, but won’t start recording a new clip when it is.

    Let me know if there’s something specific you want me to record.

     Travis Ziegler

    I am also wondering about this. I’m thinking of ordering a Data Looper, but also use the Push 2. Following


    Hmm yeah that video is pretty clear. I can see the MIDI from the DataLooper coming in but no effect. I’ll have to take a look at your Ableton log file and see exactly what is happening under the hood when that is occurring. Unless the Push is ‘auto-deleting’ clips, we should be able to figure it out. Why don’t you call at 805-242-6506 and we can screen share.


    Wondering if any more progress has been made here. I had to set new gear aside for a while to focus on getting some projects completed.

    I’d like to start using the Datalooper, but this issue with it not triggering CL track clip recording when they are the currently selected track by Push 2 makes the Datalooper useless for my current setup.

    Also, in May all the LED’s seemed to be working fine, but now only the bottom row appears to light up… ugh. Help?


    I’ll investigate this over the next week and get the issue resolved. I’ve reached out to a friend with a Push so I can do some testing. Regarding the LEDs; please contact me via phone (805-242-6506), skype (vince.cimo) or email ( and we can work out a resolution. There are a few different options for repair depending on your location and DIYness.

    I’ll reply here once I get this Push thing figured out.


    Hey guys I finally got a Push 2 to test with but I cant reproduce the issue. I am able to record midi clips just fine with the Push selecting the track. Can you call me up or text your email to 8052426506 and I can send you the latest beta version? I may have inadvertantly fixed whatever the issue was.


    Ok, we finally got this sorted. The issue will be fixed in the next release (1.3), but until then you can modify line 267 of

    change this –
    if self.clipSlot != -1 and quantized and not self.track.implicit_arm:
    to this –
    if self.clipSlot != -1 and quantized:

    and the Push issue will go away. Basically what was happening is that when you select a track with the Push, even with it record armed, it is also implicitly armed. You can also change it to

    if self.clipSlot != -1 and quantized or self.track.implicit_arm:

    and then it will only record onto tracks selected with the push, if you have multiple armed CL#1 tracks.


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