This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 6 months ago by admin.

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  • #16496

    I’m having an issues when using Clip Looper (naming track CL#1). I can record a clip into the clip slot, then stop recording and the clip plays but I am unable to stop the clip from playing without the clip being deleted. Steps to reproduce:

    – Named track CL#1
    – Record enabled track
    – Using default vertical template press Button #9 to start recording clip in top slot.
    – Press Button #9 again, clip stops recording and begins to play
    – Press Button #9 again, clip is deleted

    Expected behavior would be to “Stop immediately” based on COMMAND IF LOOPER PLAYING parameter.

    I can replicate this using the Ableton Live UI by manually starting clip recording, playing the clip, then clicking Clip Stop button on the track, clip is deleted. This only happens on tracks with the CL# naming convention that are record enabled. Stopping track results in clip disappearing.

     Marco Daemen

    Same issue here. Cannot use CL tracks now with the Datalooper.

     Grant Gordon

    I too am having this issue. Glad it’s not just me! It’s sidelined the device for me unfortunately.


    @admin have you been able to reproduce this? I love the product and would love to be able to use this mode. Thank you.


    I’ll send you guys an updated script shortly. I believe I found the issue and have fixed. So sorry I missed this original post until now.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by admin.

    Hey guys, I think I have a fix for you. Try out the new config and 3.1 beta remote script (also update the firmware). This was a fairly complicated problem, and had to do with the default vertical config sending out multiple commands depending on the press/release state. This update adds a few things:

    1. You can now save your config files from the config software without having to re-download a new file.
    2. There is now a ‘none’ action in looper actions, allowing you to only trigger an action when the looper is playing
    3. Fades work more reliably, and don’t require a utility device on the track any more.
    4. CL tracks should be fully working again, with this template.

    One issue I haven’t solved yet (it’s complicated) is that after getting a new clip slot, the main recording button will trigger a stop if it’s an audio track. The workaround is to just not use ‘get new clip slot’ with a CL audio track, and just record into a new slot using the overdub command. I’ll try to work out a better fix for this soon. Thanks for your patience. It’s been a busy busy few months with my other work.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by admin.

    Im still having the issue after updating to Remote script 3.2 and updating the firmware. Clips get cleared when attempting to stop. (Same steps as my original post above)


    This was due to a change in the way ‘command if looper playing’ functioned. There was an option for ‘stop immediately’ added, which caused config files written with an older version to be misread (stop quantized got read as a clear). I put a fix in place on the new config software (2.72) that checks for this inconsistency and applies a fix. You will have to re-flash the config, but it should apply the fix as soon as you load the file. My apologies for this inconvenience. I sometimes miss these forum posts, so if there’s an issue like this that prohibits your use, please email me and i’ll take care of it immediately (

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by admin.
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